It was a rainy day. If I had been in school they would have called a day off. Well most of my fellow bloggers played hooky. But in spite of my devil-may-care attitude to life I am the conscientious sorts who likes to honour commitments. So I reached, albeit a little late; what with the first rains and Mumbai traffic. The Intercontinental across the world have launched the children’s menu designed by Chef Theo Randall and Author Annabel Karmel MBE and I was looking forward to some innovative and interesting ideas for children’s food.
But not everything is what you wish for. I say this with a lot of humour that perhaps going with the theme of children’s menu they had decided to treat us like children too. So the courses were pre-ordered. Shussshh Child! Don’t be picky!

By the time I reached, one blogger/journalist had finished his starters and I was assured that mine will come soon so might as well start with the Smiley Tomato Soup (Rs. 225). Now I have not been a great fan of soups, but I started wading my way through. It was nice, nothing extra ordinary, just nice. But I was slipping into my 12 year old persona. I was being a good girl. I was attentive to the ma’am taking me through the history of Intercontinental and the geography of its properties. I even asked the right questions hoping I will get my starters if I was good. I delicately reminded too. My mother would have been proud of my diplomacy.

But the waiter decided it was time for the mains. I started to interrupt, but just then we were joined by the GM. We were also joined by another fellow blogger. I was glad. Now they will remember my starters I hoped. But no! Over another lecture of economics they insisted we finish the Wok & Roll Pad Thai (Rs. 475). The portions were small for a growing girl but we were assured there were others to come so I polished off mine. The prawns were succulent; the noodles were flavourful with peanuts sprinkled. I won’t be buying peanuts today from the cart outside, the child in me thought. Then we were served the Happy Tomato Risotto (Rs. 475) without the parmesan cheese I was promised in the menu. By this time the 12 year old in me had taken over completely. I just caught myself from protesting and remembered I was being a good girl. Maybe I will get my starters? The risotto itself was good but nothing outstanding about it. Then we were served the Chinese Fried Rice with Chicken (Rs. 475). Chicken cooked in honey, soy and garlic was delicious but no different than any others I would have eaten in a mid-budget restaurant. Then we were served the Penne Pasta (Rs. 475) in a sauce suspiciously similar to the risotto. The child in me was indignant to be treated like one but I kept quiet. Maybe I will get my starters? My one-track mind was getting obsessed.

My fellow blogger was not a chicken eater so she ordered for Krispie Fish Fingers (Rs. 475). I was in my fully raging wilful child persona now so I started picking from that. I didn’t get the starters remember? I am not a soup eater, the risotto didn’t have cheese and the pasta was like risotto! So I deserved the fish fingers but like all escapades of childhood the act is bigger than the feeling. They were no different from any we would eat.
In the spirit of childhood, I was about to throw a tantrum. Child or not I do throw a tantrum if I am hungry. Ask my husband. But just then as if they had sensed the reckless streak in me, the waiter got the desserts; Very Berry Yoghurt Ice-cream, Iced Watermelon popsicles and Chocolate Brownie Ice Cream Sundae. The

yogurt ice-cream with berry coulis was truly delicious. The popsicles were full of watermelon flavour and on a warm day I could have eaten more. They promised ice-cream and fruit and sprinkles with the brownie but we got only the brownie. Should I throw a tantrum, should I not; the rebellious juvenile they had unleashed, asked. Should I make the last ditch effort for those starters? I am the tenacious type.
But the grown-up in me took over and realisation dawned. I have eaten better meals and my time has been respected better too. It was a middle of the week and a working day and I might as well salvage the balance of the day. So I walked away, feeling disappointed and wondering, is it worth it?
Ratings out of 5
Food: 2.5 | Ambiance: 3 | Service: 2.5 | Overall: 2.5
Credit Card: Yes|
Timing: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
Address: Intercontinental Hotels & Resorts, Marine Drive, Mumbai
Telephone :022 39879999